Saturday, May 14, 2011

Work and Unemployment

There are many jobs that are available but none that can assure security for the person being hired.

There is a lot of racial discrimination when it comes to the job market. Latinos and African  Americans face this the most when trying to find a job. Many have to resort to lower paying jobs even when they had planned for bigger goals. Society continues to put them at a lower level instead of fair oppurtunity.

In hopes for a better job in the future many are studying for a degree that can land them higher positions at jobs. Those who are not educated past high school have a huge disadvantage.


 Full time jobs have become very hard to find so people are settling with part-time, minimum wage, retail jobs. Many who have a family at home even have to work two jobs to just make enough to pay their bills.

Many jobs are hiring males over females because they believe the female is not as hard of a worker and bound to quit sometime in the future. Even when the female is just as educated as the male the male still has the better chance of recieving the job.

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