Saturday, May 14, 2011

Social Problems Related to Political Institutions, Violence and Terrorism

Sending our military across seas is costing The United States billions of dollars. Not all people in society are not aware of the truth behind this matter. If this continues are future and economy is going to be looking at even more fincial problems.

Today the government and everyone who works for it has all the power. The government is no longer equal they are in full power. People of the United States are not informed on enough true information or given enough say
 in major decesions that are effecting our country.  

The Bill of Rights and the law is what what designed to protect Americans rights against the government. People who are educating themselves are starting to realize how much of our rights we are lacking.


                                                                                         "Religious Terroism"

In this society there are so many different types of religions and beliefs that people have. Each religion has acted out  in its own ways in the past but the problem is that they continue to. Different religious people start violence to publicize their religion which influences more crimes and riots.


As Americans, we have given the "Big Government" to much trust. Instead of educating ourselves we have accepted the fact that The Government is the only thing that runs us.

Social Problems with Health Care

For women who do not have health care Planned Parenthood is a alternative. Abortions, protections and testing can be done at any Planned Parenthood clinic. Unfortunately, there is continous talk from the government of deducting more funds that go into Planned Parenthood.


Many people still do not have health care however, the ones that do are mostly being provided through their jobs. The employers automatically will deduct the money towards Medical and Dental care.


 Another alternative to people and children with no insurance is open clinics.
More children under the age of nineteen are uninsured now more than ever. Many people who had insurance were being provided through their work. After the economy got bad many got laid off and no long had health insurance for themselves or family. 


People who are uninsured and become ill unexpectedly end up having to pay for Hospital emergency bills which is much more expensive than doctor bills or going to the emergency room insured. Many people end up bankrupt from having to pay off these bills. Studies show that people who are uninsured have a greater risk of becoming terminally ill.

Social Problems Related to Education

One of the biggest problems in society today is the "debasing of education." This is controlling Americas future generations. From a early age children are learning that it is more about quanity and not quality. Education is being viewed as a chore and not a fun, learning experience. Teachers are lacking motivation needed and parents and children also need to put in effort to resolve this problem.

Class sizes are increasing in Elementary schools, Middle schools, High Schools and Colleges.
In order to be successful we have to establish successful learning envioronments.

Many students are aware that college education is the only way to a better job in the future. However, fees are continuing to increase in community colleges and universities. This is preventing many from continuing school and recieving a higher education.

Classes at colleges are continuing to be cut so it is becoming very hard for students to continue getting classes. Many can not get any so dropout rates have continued to rise.

Not everyone has the time to put in extra to their education some people have other priorities which leaves them at a disadvantages. Children who have parents who have completed a higher level of education are more likely to do better in school and children whos parents pay for a private tutor.

Social Problems Related to the Family

Many people who have children can not provide for them so the government has established adoption agencys, foster homes and service centers where the children can stay until adopted.

Crime and Drugs

Violence with crime and drugs surrounds people and children everyday. If a child grows up surrounded by these types of things or behavior they will learn how to do the same. Over time crime rates will just keep increasing.

Children who have grown up in "Street Families" are known to be more likely to commit a crime. Street Parents are usually single mothers or parents who do not have enough time to monitor what their children do. The parents will usually act out in aggressive ways which rubs off on the child another cause of violence.

Smoking Marijuana has become a "casual drug" amongst teens and adults. The Medical usage of the drug has been abused and now is seen as a  "gateway" drug for many individuals leading to many more dangerous drugs. 

In todays economy selling drugs has become many peoples source of income. Selling narcotics is a way for people to provide for their family or themselves when there is no other option. It allows them to stay off the streets for the moment but usually results in Incarceration.

Many teens, young adults and primarily black males in America end up in Jail. America is a "zero-tolerance" country so most states tend to react harsh towards a victim who is on trial for drugs. Once released odds are against the offender, jobs become harder to get and the end result is usually ending up back in jail.

Gender Inequality and Issues in Sexual Orientation

Gay Rights

Gays in today are hated by many anti-semitism and it makes society much harder to live in. People who are Gay must be treated like any other individual in society.

Gender Role- Mothers job during the day is known to be taking care of the children, cooking and managing all the house hold chores. The husbands job is that work is his main priority.

                                                                                             "Men" or "Women"
In todays society there needs to be more of a considerations for other people with different circumstances. Some people are transgender and face the challenge of having to declare themselves as only one gender. More "Family" or "Other" restrooms need to be avaliable.


It is much easier for Latinos to come to America, find a job, provide for their family and recieve their citizenship than any other race. Once here their main goal is providing for their family and the satisfaction of knowing their children are better than they were. However, their children are at a huge disadvantage when trying to recieve the proper education.

This is the United States but many people from different countrys and ethnic cultures have migrated here and established their own life. They have shaped their own communities to match their comfort level and keep America segregated.

After just arriving in America most who have nothing will go stay with friends or family. Work for who they already know or find a job through networking. They will most likely move in the neighborhood or area of whom they know and the pattern will continue. This is what keeps America Segregated.

Although happy to have finially recieved citizenship she will be faced with many problems in the future and everyday living. Communicating with others, Real-estate disadvantage and everyday living will be more complex.

Work and Unemployment

There are many jobs that are available but none that can assure security for the person being hired.

There is a lot of racial discrimination when it comes to the job market. Latinos and African  Americans face this the most when trying to find a job. Many have to resort to lower paying jobs even when they had planned for bigger goals. Society continues to put them at a lower level instead of fair oppurtunity.

In hopes for a better job in the future many are studying for a degree that can land them higher positions at jobs. Those who are not educated past high school have a huge disadvantage.


 Full time jobs have become very hard to find so people are settling with part-time, minimum wage, retail jobs. Many who have a family at home even have to work two jobs to just make enough to pay their bills.

Many jobs are hiring males over females because they believe the female is not as hard of a worker and bound to quit sometime in the future. Even when the female is just as educated as the male the male still has the better chance of recieving the job.

Economic Inequality and Poverty

Major companys higher temporary workers who will work more and settle for being paid less. While in the meantime the company is making more and more money and paying less workers.

Since computers became more highly developed in work places less people were needed to run companys. More people lost jobs and had no other source of income or help so ended up poor.

Children who are raised in a household with less money and parents who work are impacted forever. The children who come from a family with no money usually will complete lower levels of education and start working at a young age.

"The American Dream"
The ideal American Dream is to have a stay at home mother, a nice house, nice cars and be comfortable and able to provide for a family. The chances of this happening are very rare and it is usually only those with a staggered head start that make it to the dream.

Inheritance from past generations or ones parents is a huge factor of how people get ahead. If two people going to medical school but one has inherited money, he is forever ahead of the other one. This affects education and what you can afford for the rest of  ones life.

Racial and Ethnic Inequality

                                          Every race has its relegion and it is another thing that keeps our society segregated and different.

According to society Latinos prefer to stay amongst themselves and not adapt to Americas language and ways as well.


The idea of the "glass-ceiling" issue of obstacles African Americans have to face. It is harder for African Americans to get a better education, find a higher paying job and even have less of a punishment when being trialed for jail. African Americans out of all races still have to face a constant struggle with Racism.

From this view it looks like a big city that merges together but when you get closer you can see the lines of segregationg. Communities are continuing to stay seperated and Racism still exists.